A selfie of myself with straight hair, minimal make up, ridiculously dark eyebrows. You can see the top of my white blouse and my dangling earrings.
Cerebral Palsy

Promoting My Wellbeing Through Productivity, Self-care and Leisure as I Turn 21!

Hello, I hope everyone is well and isn’t doing too bad in lockdown. If you aren’t okay that’s fine too, you are not alone.

I wanted to talk about turning 21 in this post, and discuss what I want to get out of this next year as I have a big list of resolutions.

Basically, this is my ‘Hello 2021’ blog but because NTSP’s anniversary is at the start of the year I thought I would do it to mark my 21st birthday instead.

As mentioned there’s a lot of things I want to get out of this next year, there nearly all career-related as I don’t know if I’ve mentioned but I will become a qualified occupational therapist in a few months time!

I’ve already spoken about the big decisions I have to make in regards to working and jobs in a previous post, so in this post, I wanted to talk more my other goals for this year. To do this I’ve yet again put my OT cap on and broke it down into productivity, self-care and leisure.


My hope is to find a job in which it allows me to continue blogging and do what I love to do in my spare time. This is very important to me as I’m not very good at doing nothing and I have to work or do something to promote my wellbeing. I’m open-minded about futures jobs, I’m not going to lie I do have an ideal area in mind, however, as long as I’m doing a meaningful job then I know I’ll be happy knowing that I’m doing my part!

Another hope is to spend more time on the blog and to keep reading my blogging books. As mentioned in previous posts, I feel like during my first year of blogging I wasn’t very good at maintaining the website and would just post my blogs. So, this year I hope to continue doing other things to my website besides posting my blog as I really enjoy this.

Even if it’s just half an hour a week (which it will be right now as I am on placement) I need to keep this up. You’re all good to me and read my content so I need to reciprocate that back!!

I also want to seek any opportunities that come my way! I was so fortunate last year, to be on podcasts and write guest blogs and I want to continue doing so because it’s so much blogging fun (I can’t take credit for that pun).

Don’t get me wrong my studies comes first, especially in these final months, right now as it’s lockdown I’m not doing much else besides assignments and placement so if something comes up I need to seize the day!


I do have goals besides work…

What I really want to achieve this year is to meditate more. Previously, I’ve only meditated when I’m feeling anxious like when I did my driving test. Now, I want to incorporate this more into my activities, to promote my wellbeing. I’m not planning to meditate, every day as I don’t want to put that pressure on myself, but I definitely feel I should do it more. I have a stressful few months ahead, with placement and my final assignments so I need to do this for myself and be kind to myself!


This year, I want to try my best to continue to keep being physically active as mentioned in a post last year. During lockdown where I am not going out and walking around, my muscles are suffering and getting tight. Last year, I was quite impressed with myself in maintaining this I mean don’t get me wrong my cross-trainer is in my conservatory so it the latter months my workouts were few and far between. This year I want to continue working out, because not only do I feel physically better and mentally I get such an adrenaline kick!

I never thought I’d be one of those people who love working out but when I’ve done a workout whilst listening to some good tunes I’m in such a good mood!!

So, these are a few of my goals for this year, I hope I can keep up with them, there’s no pressure and if I don’t that’s okay as well.

Again, just like I said in my PEOP Model post a few weeks ago I don’t normally do blogs like this (new year, new me, lol) so, let me know if you’d like to see more content like this.

Thank you for reading, 

Georgia x

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